A Quick Vaper’s Guide to E-cigs and Vaping

Are you looking to buy electronic cigarettes for the first time? Are you familiar with the difference between an e-cig and a vape device? You may have heard these terms together, and often they can mean the same thing, but sometimes these are completely two different devices. At Sticky Fingers, we offer an extensive range of e-liquids, vaping devices, and accessories for adult consumers as per their needs. In this article, we provide detailed information to beginners while choosing an e-cig or vaping device. Here are some frequently asked questions from consumers that we’re going to discuss. Let’s get started. What Is an E-cig and Why It Is Different? This is the most commonly asked question! An e-cig is a battery-powered, handy electronic cigarette or vaporizer without flame, ash, and smoke. These cigarettes are different from traditional cigarettes that are made of tobacco. E-cigs contain a tank system filled with liquid, nicotine, flavoring, and other in...